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Volunteer Portal


Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Family Promise Mat-Su.


There are many ways you can volunteer.  Let me tell you a little bit about how we do things, and then you can tell us where you would like to plug in.


Our shelter program is actually run by volunteers just like you!  Church congregations provide evening meals, evening activities, and overnight hosts in their own church.  The guests will arrive by 5:30pm where they will be greeted by the dinner host.  Dinner is usually from 6pm to 7pm.  The dinner host and family share the clean-up duties and visit until the evening host arrives.  The evening host can  teach a skill, play games, watch movies, rock babies, etc.  Any activity is geared towards creating an atmosphere that is relaxing and enjoyable for all.  The overnight host arrives around 9pm and serves as a contact for opening the church for working guests who may arrive later in the evening, and for making sure the church building is locked for the evening. 


Sound like something you could do?   Give us a call and we will answer your questions and get you set up.


(907) 357-6160 ext 2

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